1. Hamiltonians

We start from the follwing expression of the Hamiltonian:

$$ H = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} \left [t \left (c^\dagger_{i+1}c_{i} + c^\dagger_{i}c_{i+1}\right) - \mu f(i)\left ( 2c^\dagger_{i}c_{i}-1\right) + \sum_{l=1}^{N-1}\frac{\Delta}{d^\alpha_l}\left (c^\dagger_{i+l}c^\dagger_{i} + c_{i}c_{i+l}\right)\right], $$

where $t$ is the hopping amplitude, $\mu$ is the chemical potential, $\Delta$ is the superconducting pairing amplitude and $c_{i}(c^\dagger_{i})$ are the annihilation (creation) operators at the $i$-th site of the chain. The superconducting pairing is taken to decay as a power law $l^{-\alpha}$, where $l$ denotes the distance between the sites and the scaling exponent $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}$. For a constant chemical potential $f(i)=1$, we recover the long-range Kitaev chain with homogeneous onsite potential. The AAH chemical potential corresponds to $f(i) = \cos\left (2 \pi n \frac{F_{n-1}}{F_{n}} + \phi \right )$, where $F_{n-1},F_n$ are integers from the Fibonacci sequence and $\phi$ is the phase. Therefore, our Hamiltonian has a periodicity of $F_n = q$ sites.

1.1 Real space Hamiltonian with open boundary conditions (OBC)

Let's consider the following basis $\chi = \left(c_{0}, c^\dagger_{0}, c_{1}, c^\dagger_{1}, ..., c_{N-1}, c^\dagger_{N-1}\right)^T$. The Hamiltonian can be expressed as follows:

$$ H = \chi^\dagger H_N \chi $$

where: $$ H_N = \begin{pmatrix} A_0 & B & C_2 & C_3 & \cdots & C_{N-2} & C_{N-1}\\ B^\dagger & A_1 & B & C_2 & \cdots & C_{N-3} & C_{N-2}\\ C_2^\dagger & B^\dagger & A_2 & B & \cdots & C_{N-2} & C_{N-3}\\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots\\ C_{N-2}^\dagger & C_{N-3}^\dagger & C_{N-4}^\dagger & C_{N-5}^\dagger & \cdots & A_{N-2} & B\\ C_{N-1}^\dagger & C_{N-2}^\dagger & C_{N-3}^\dagger & C_{N-4}^\dagger & \cdots & B^\dagger & A_{N-1}, \end{pmatrix} $$


$$ A_{j} = \begin{pmatrix} -\mu f(j) & 0 \\ 0 & +\mu f(j) \end{pmatrix}, $$$$ B = \begin{pmatrix} t/2 & -\Delta \\ +\Delta & -t/2 \end{pmatrix}, $$$$ C_l = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & -\Delta/l^\alpha \\ +\Delta/l^\alpha & 0 \end{pmatrix}. $$

We compute the Hamiltonian with OBC both in de BdG and the Majorana basis.


H_OBC_Kitaev_LR_QP(params, mu, length, rot=False, AA=False)

Compute the real space Hamiltonian with OBC for the Kitaev chain with any value of alpha, Fn1/Fn and finite length L.


H_OBC_Majoranas_Kitaev_LR_QP(params, mu, length, rot=False, AA=False)

Compute the real space Hamiltonian with OBC for the Kitaev chain with any value of alpha, Fn1/Fn and finite length L. Here we use the Majorana basis.

1.2 Real space Hamiltonian with anti-periodic boundary conditions (APBC)

The Hamiltonian with anti-periodic boundary conditions takes the following form: $$ H = \sum_{i=0}^{N-2} \frac{t}{2} \left (c_i^\dagger c_{i+1} - c_{i+1} c_i^\dagger + c_{i+1}^\dagger c_i - c_{i} c_{i+1}^\dagger\right) -\frac{t}{2}\left(c_{N-1}^\dagger c_0 - c_0 c_{N-1}^\dagger + c_0^\dagger c_{N-1} - c_{N-1} c_0^\dagger\right)\\ + \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} \mu f(i)\left (c^\dagger_{i}c_{i}-c_{i}c^\dagger_{i}\right) +\sum_{i=0}^{N-1}\sum_{l=1}^{N-1-i} \frac{\Delta}{d^\alpha_l}\left (c_{i+1}^\dagger c_i^\dagger - c_i^\dagger c_{i+l}^\dagger + c_i c_{i+l} - c_{i+l} c_{i}\right). $$

where $d_l = \text{min}(l, N-l)$.

Since the system has a periodicity of $q$ sites, we can split it into supercells. Let's consider that we have $L = N/q$ of such supercells, and let's consider the spinor $\chi_u = \left(c_{qu}, c^\dagger_{qu}, c_{qu+1}, c^\dagger_{qu+1}, ..., c_{qu+(q-1)}, c^\dagger_{qu+(q-1)}\right)^T$. The Hamiltonian can be expressed as follows:

$$ H = \sum_{u=0}^{L-1} \left[ \chi_u^\dagger H_{\text{local}} \chi_u + ( \chi_u^\dagger H_{\text{hop}} \chi_{u+1} + {\rm h.c.}) + \sum_{l=1}^{L-1}( \chi_u^\dagger H_{\text{l}} \chi_{u+l} + {\rm h.c.}) \right], $$


$$ H_{\text{local}} = \begin{pmatrix} A_0 & B & C_2 & \cdots & C_{q-1}\\ B^\dagger & A_1 & B & \cdots & C_{q-2}\\ C_2^\dagger & B^\dagger & A_2 & \cdots & C_{q-3}\\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots\\ C_{q-2}^\dagger & C_{q-3}^\dagger & C_{q-4}^\dagger & \cdots & B\\ C_{q-1}^\dagger & C_{q-2}^\dagger & C_{q-3}^\dagger & \cdots & A_{q-1} \end{pmatrix}, $$$$ H_{\text{hop}} = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0\\ 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0\\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\\ B' & 0 & \cdots & 0 \end{pmatrix}, $$


$$ H_{\text{l}} = \begin{pmatrix} C_{l,0,0} & C_{l,0,1} & \cdots & C_{l,0,q-1}\\ C_{l,1,0} & C_{l,1,1} & \cdots & C_{l,1,q-1}\\ C_{l,2,0} & C_{l,2,1} & \cdots & C_{l,2,q-1}\\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots\\ C_{l,q-2,0} & C_{l,q-2,1} & \cdots & C_{l,q-2,q-1}\\ C_{l,q-1,0} & C_{l,q-1,1} & \cdots & C_{l,q-1,q-1} \end{pmatrix}, $$

where $B' = \frac{t}{2}\sigma_z$ and $C_{l,x,y} = -\frac{\Delta}{2d_{l,x,y}^{\alpha}} i\sigma_y$. Now,

$$ d_{l,x,y} = \text{min}\left(lq-(x-y), N-(lq-(x-y))\right). $$

Note that in order to impose anti-periodic boundary conditions, we have used that $c_{uq+x+q} = -c_{uq+x}$ in $H_{\text{local}}$ and $c_{(u+L)q + x} = -c_{uq+x}$ in $H_{\text{hop}}$ and $H_{\text{l}}$.


H_APBC_Kitaev_LR_QP(params, mu, length, rot=False, AA=False)

Compute the real space Hamiltonian with APBC for the Kitaev chain with any value of alpha, Fn1/Fn and finite length L.

1.3 Momentum space Hamiltonian for a finite system.

Now, we want to write the Hamiltonian in momentum space. We transform the spinor $\chi_u$ as follows:

$$ \chi_u = \frac{1}{\sqrt{L}} \sum_{k} e^{iku} \chi_k, \quad \chi_u^\dagger = \frac{1}{\sqrt{L}} \sum_{k} e^{-iku} \chi_k^\dagger, $$

where $\chi_k= \left(c_{k,0}, c^\dagger_{-k,0}, c_{k, 1}, c^\dagger_{-k, 1}, ..., c_{k, q-1}, c^\dagger_{-k, q-1})\right)^T$. For finite systems, there is a discrete set of momentums $k$ allowed in the system. Because of the anti-periodic boundary conditions, we want the following to hold: $$ \chi_{u+L} = -\chi_{u}, $$ therefore: $$ \frac{1}{\sqrt{L}} \sum_{k} e^{ik(u+L)} \chi_k = -\frac{1}{\sqrt{L}} \sum_{k} e^{iku} \chi_k, $$ meaning that $kL = (2m + 1)\pi$ where $m$ takes values from $\{0,1,2,...L-1\}$.

Now, if we do the Fourier transform of the Hamiltonian we obtain:

$$ H = \sum_{k} \left[ \chi_k^\dagger H_\text{local} \chi_k + \left(e^{ik} \chi_k^\dagger H_\text{hop} \chi_k + {\rm h.c.}\right) + \sum_{l=1}^{L-1}\left(e^{ikl}\chi_k^\dagger H_{l} \chi_{k} + {\rm h.c.}\right)\right], $$

where we have used: $$ \sum_{u=0}^{L-1} e^{i(k-k')u} = L\delta_{kk'}. $$


H_Kitaev_LR_QP(params, k, mu, length, rot=True, AA=False)

Compute the momentum Hamiltonian with APBC for the Kitaev chain with any value of alpha, Fn1/Fn and finite length L.

1.31 Block-off diagonal Hamiltonian for the finite system


h_chiral_Kitaev_LR_QP(params, k, mu, length, AA=False)

Computes one block of the off-diagonal Hamiltonian in momentum space for a finite system with APBC.

For the infinite system, $L$ goes to infinity. Then, we need to change $d_l = l$ and $d_{l,x,y} = lq-(x-y))$ because the anti-periodic boundary conditions do not need to be explicitly imposed anymore. The Hamiltonian in momentum space looks as follows:

$$ H = \sum_{k} \left[\chi_k^\dagger H_\text{local} \chi_k + \left(e^{ik}\chi_k^\dagger H_\text{hop} \chi_k + \text{h.c.}\right) + \left(\chi_k^\dagger H_\text{inf} \chi_{k} + \text{h.c.}\right)\right] $$


$$ H_{l, inf} = \begin{pmatrix} C_{0,0} & C_{0,1} & C_{0,2} & C_{0,3} & \cdots & C_{0,q-2} & C_{0,q-1}\\ C_{1,0} & C_{1,1} & C_{1,2} & C_{1,3} & \cdots & C_{1,q-2} & C_{1,q-1}\\ C_{2,0} & C_{2,1} & C_{2,2} & C_{2,3} & \cdots & C_{2,q-2} & C_{2,q-1}\\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots\\ C_{q-2,0} & C_{q-2,1} & C_{q-2,2} & C_{q-2,3} & \cdots & C_{q-2,q-2} & C_{q-2,q-1}\\ C_{q-1,0} & C_{q-1,1} & C_{q-1,2} & C_{q-1,3} & \cdots & C_{q-1,q-2} & C_{q-1,q-1} \end{pmatrix}, $$

where $C_{x,y} = ig_{xy}\sigma_y$. The function $g_{xy}$ is defined as follows

$$ g_{xy} = -\sum_{l=1}^{\infty} \frac{\Delta e^{ikl}}{[q-(x-y)]^\alpha} = \frac{e^{ik}}{q^{\alpha}} \text{HLP}_{\alpha} \left(k, q, x-y\right), $$

where HLP is the Hurwitz Lerth Phi function, also called the Lerch trascendent function.


H_Kitaev_LR_QP_inf(params, k, mu, rot=False, AA=True)

Compute the momentum Hamiltonian with APBC for the Kitaev chain with any value of alpha and Fn1/Fn. The system is infinite.

1.41 Block-off diagonal Hamiltonian for the infinite system

HLP_d and the infinite analytical expressions for the Hamiltonian are separated in order to make the code more efficient


h_chiral_Kitaev_LR_QP_inf(params, k, mu, AA, H_pbc_delta)

Computes one block of the off-diagonal Hamiltonian in momentum space for an infinite system


H_pbc_sp(params, k)

Computes the analytical expression of the long-range infinite part of the off-diagonal Hamiltonian. Does not depend on the chemical potential.


d_h_chiral_Kitaev_LR_QP_inf(params, k, mu, AA, d_H_pbc_delta)

Computes the analytical derivative of k of one block of the off-diagonal Hamiltonian in momentum space for an infinite system


d_H_pbc_sp(params, k)

Computes the analytical derivative of the long-range infinite part of the off-diagonal Hamiltonian. Does not depend on the chemical potential.


HLP_d(k, alpha, Fn, dist)

Closed form of sum of exponents using HLP function. dist is y-x

1.42 Analytical derivatives of the infinite system Hamiltonian


d_k_H_Kitaev_LR_QP_inf(params, k, mu, rot=False, AA=True)

Analytical derivative of the infinite system Hamiltonian in terms of the momentum k.


d_phase_H_Kitaev_LR_QP_inf(params, k, mu, rot=False, AA=True)

Analytical derivative of the infinite system Hamiltonian in terms of the phase phi.

2. Other functions

2.1 Fibonacci sequence



Return Fibonacci sequence number depending on the iterations

2.2 HLP function and derivatives


df(k, alpha)

Derivative of function f(k,alpha) in terms of the polylog functions


HLP(k, alpha, Fn, x, y)

Closed form of sum of exponens using HLP function

2.3 Rotation operators


rot_sigma_y(pvec, psi, Fn)

Rotation around sigma y of an angle psi